Sunday, November 13, 2016

Piper- One Month

I can't believe my sweet baby is one month old! We can't imagine life without  her & I'm' so grateful that I have another month off with my sweet girl. Here are some facts and tidbits about Piper at one month. 

I weigh... 9.5 pounds!

I wear newborn size diapers. 

I wear some newborn clothes and some 0-3 months. 

I sleep pretty good. I used to wake up every two hours to eat but last night was our best night yet! I ate at 10, 3, & 7! Hoping this keeps up + gets even better!

I've just recently switched and am eating about 3-4 ounces at a time!

I had been eating 2 ounces every 2 hours but as stated I'm starting to eat a little more so we're going a little longer in between feedings. 

love my rock n play, the kitchen light, eating, & kisses from mommy and daddy!