I don't understand how Piper is already TWO months old (actually even older than that since I've been super delayed in blogging about it)! Sweet girl is so much fun & her amazing personality comes out to shine more and more each day! I still haven't got around to taking her picture with her two month sticker (whoops) but oh well, I post at least one picture of her a day, I think we all know what she looks like LOL. Thank you to my dear friend Jessica for letting me steal her blog template :)
Here are some pics of P from the past month. Love my happy baby so much!
weight: Piper had her 2 month appointment last Wednesday & weighs a whopping 11.3 pounds! She's our little chunky monkey.
length: 22.4 inches
diaper size: Size 1. I go back and forth between favoring pampers and huggies. I change my mind just about every day. Those are the only two diaper brands we've tried so far. We do have some Luvs I will probably open up soon.
clothing size: 0-3 month & 3 month
nicknames: P, Pipes, sweet girl
health: Doing good! I will admit I'm nervous about this going downhill now that she has started daycare.
sleep: Varies by day. She has slept through the night once and can usually go 5-6 hours before waking up, but that doesn't mean she always wants to. A lot of the problem is she falls asleep after eating about an ounce and then I have to decide if I should wake her up to eat more or put her in her bed. Usually bed wins! Last night we were up at 11:45 (1 oz), 1:00 (2 oz), 3:45 (2 oz), & 5 (2 oz). I hate when she wakes up at 3:45 because we're usually finishing up right when its time for Sean to get up and get ready for work which ends up keeping Piper up until about 5.
diet: Soy formula plus she gets about half an ounce to an ounce of pear juice a day.
baby gear love: We would not be making it without our Baby Breeza. If you're formula feeding I HIGHLY recommend it. There is nothing better than Piper waking up at 2 & all I have to do to make her bottle is hit the start button and I get the perfect temperature and the right size bottle.
baby gear hate: So last month we were all about Piper's rock n play but we haven't used it in a few weeks. Piper has torticollis and while I don't think her rock n play caused it, it definitely didn't help it. Once we discovered she was extremely favoring one side when she sleeps and noticed that side of her head becoming flatter we switched her out of it to sleeping flat. It helped, but she still is going to have to do some physical therapy to stretch out her little neck muscles :(
likes: Her blankie! Also likes her car seat, sticking her tongue out/licking the air (seriously LOL), being held where she can look around at everything (little miss nosey rosey), sleeping on her tummy, & snuggling with mommy and daddy.
dislikes: Piper likes most things so far! I guess the biggest thing is she likes to be held when sleeping or laying flat on her tummy. She's not so into her boppy pillow or her swing. She's low maintenance ;)
milestones: Piper is a champ at holding her head up! This is just because shes nosey & wants to be able to look around.
things we have done in the last
month: The biggest has definitely been starting daycare! But we also had our first Thanksgiving & have met Santa twice ;)