Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Piper- TEN Months

How in the world is it possible this sweet girl is 10 months old already?? Everyday she looks & acts more like a toddler than a baby. She is fearless & her joy is infectious. Even when she is being a stinker you can't help but laugh at her! Soon we will have a one year old but this mommy is going to savor the last moments of babyhood while she can!

weight: pushing 19 pounds I think

length: Probably close to 28 inches. Girl has some long legs.

diaper size: Size 4 

clothing size: 9 month

nicknames: P, Pipes, Piper Roo, etc etc 

health: Still doing PT. Also, she's on an antibiotic currently for a sinus infection but it's not slowing her down! 

sleep: Good. Usually sleeps through the night, but if she wakes up I can typically just go give her the bottle and she will feed herself in her crib and go back to sleep. We've figured out this summer that she sleeps better when her room is colder (as does mommy) so that's been helpful.

diet: Still takes formula with breakfast, sometimes lunch, an afternoon snack, & at bedtime, but only the bedtime one is in a bottle. The rest is from a sippy. Girl is loving some food! Rarely wants baby food anymore because she is a big girl and wants big girl food! Daycare has started giving her whatever they have for lunch and at home we've introduced chef boyardee meals (beefaroni, spaghettios, etc) & vienna sausages (gag!). Snack time is still her favorite & she'd probably snack all day if we'd let her. At home we give her yogurt melts, puffs, & baby cheetos but she eats anything at daycare from vanilla wafers to crackers, to puffcorn.

likes: Her toys, snacks, & all her animals!

dislikes: Mom's dog LOL & not being able to move/go where she wants. Girl is always on the move these days.

milestones: Crawls everywhereeee. Loves to pull up & walk with her push walker toy. Learning to stand without holding on to anything. Jabbers all the time. Dada is becoming a favorite as is Hi but she still just laughs when I try to get her to say Mama. She knows what no-no means but likes to push her limits ;)

things we have done in the last month: Celebrated Isaac's 3rd birthday & tried cake there for the first time! It was a big hit and I can't wait till we do her smash cake photos! Went to the park for the first time. 1st VBS!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

An Ode to Liane Moriarty

SURPRISE! It's a blog post about books instead of Piper! Who knew I remembered how to do this anymore... crazy times!

But for real. Since April I've been reading one particular author, Liane Moriarty, whenever I had the chance, aka whenever the books became available at the library. I LOVE them. I love her writing style, the characters, the story lines, etc etc. So I've decided to rank her books in order of my favorites :) The title's are hyperlinks to the goodreads page for each book.

1. What Alice Forgot
2. 3 Wishes
3. Big Little Lies
4. The Last Anniversary
5. The Husband's Secret
6. Truly Madly Guilty 
7. The Hypnoist Love Story

Ranking them was pretty hard because I genuienly really like all of the books, esp the top 5. The Hypnotist Love Story just seemed to drag on to me and Truly Madly Guilty had way too slow of a start for my taste. 
I think I liked What Alice Forgot the most because Alice has amnesia and believes herself to be pregnant with her first child. I read this when Piper was about 6 months old so I could relate to all the pregnancy thoughts, fears, excitement, etc because it was all still so fresh for me. 

Big Little Lies almost beat out 3 Wishes for the number two spot because its story line is fantastic and there are so many twists and turns, but in the end I loved the triplet sisters that starred in 3 wishes too much to knock them down to third. 

I will say one thing to know going into her books is that they are all set in Australia. It took the first book for me to adjust to the difference because of this and then I stopped noticing it.   

If you are looking for a new book or author to read I highly recommend Liane Moriarty! Her books are all standalone so you can read them in whatever order you prefer. I promise you will not be disappointed! She is one of the best, if not the best, authors I've ever read at connecting so many different characters and story lines in so many different ways. I would bet if I went back and reread the books I would find new connections I missed the first go around.