oh my gosh! It's so hard to put into words just how much I love and am in awe of my sweet baby girl. Every day is a new adventure with her and I love watching her personality shine brighter each day.
weight: 22-23 pounds. She's between 50th & 75th percentile on weight, which surprised me because shes on the smaller side haha
length: 32 inches, right at 50th percentile.
diaper size: Size 5
clothing size: 18 month
weight: 22-23 pounds. She's between 50th & 75th percentile on weight, which surprised me because shes on the smaller side haha
length: 32 inches, right at 50th percentile.
diaper size: Size 5
clothing size: 18 month
nicknames: P, Pipes, Piper Roo, etc etc
health: Piper is getting over another ear infection currently, but her ears were checked at her appointment today and he said they look great! She also had her iron levels checked again & she is no longer anemic!!!
sleep: Piper is such an awesome sleeper these days! On the weekends she's been sleeping in til about 9 and she still takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. When she wakes up in the morning or from naps she likes to chill in her crib for a bit on her own and look at a book I keep in her crib for her. It is seriously the sweetest.
diet: Piper sometimes eats what we eat for dinner, but not always because we tend to eat a lot of spicy foods. For dinners she loves chicken alfredo, spaghetti, chicken & rice, and chicken & dumplings. Snacks are still her favorite! She loves white cheddar cheetos, fruit snacks, poptarts, bananas, strawberries, yogurt covered raisins, cheese, cereal, etc
likes: being outside & watching Daniel Tiger & Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (we're taking a nice break from little baby bum hahaha). She is also obsessed with chairs currently. She tries to take her blue outside chair with her everywhere lol
dislikes: not being able to be miss independent! If she thinks she should be doing something (ie going outside hahaha) she will pitch herself a nice fit about it if she doesn't get to do it.
milestones: In the past 3 months we've done away with milk at bedtime & she uses her paci only in her room (aka bedtime/naptime). Piper has gained 1 additional tooth LOL. She's in no hurry to fill up that mouth (only up to 7). We're slowly intoducing the potty to her, so fingers crossed on that lol Piper isn't saying a whole lot (mom, daddy, uh oh, bye bye, all done, dog, cat, more, mine (LOL). she attempts please and thank you but you def have to use your imaginination on those lol) but her dr isn't concerned & her receptive language (do this, bring me that, etc) is great!