Let's be honest, snow days are the best. Or as they should be called in Arkansas, ice days. There is nothing more I enjoy than laying on my couch with my five (yes I am crazy) animals all snuggled up & reading a good book. & that is exactly how I plan on spending my day, once I finish the homework I put off of course.
Currently, I am reading about 5 different books. Seriously. Why? Because I am crazy. The books I am reading are:
1. Yes Please
2. Pride & Prejudice
3. Cinder
4. Wintergirls
Okay, so it's actually only four books. Sue me. I am hoping to finish Yes Please today because it is a library book & expires in like two days. Last week or maybe the week before, I seriously can't keep up with time anymore, I read a really great series by Gayle Forman, author of If I Stay. The first book was called Just One Day, the second was called Just One Year, & the third (which was basically a glorified epilogue) was called Just One Night.
I loved this series. It took me about a day on each of the main books. I checked the first out of the library and then could not wait on the second two and ended up buying them. I plan on doing a review on the whole series so I won't go into too much detail here but basically it follows the story of two teenagers who meet in Europe & spend one day together. It then follows their lives after that day and chronicles the changes that day made to them. So stay tuned for the review! Hopefully it won't take me weeks to get around to.
If you are also on a snow/ice day I hope it is super duper relaxing & awesome for you. If you are at work/school, I'm sorry. Here's to a good week, y'all!
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