Thursday, September 8, 2016

34 Weeks

Slipping in bits of cat stuff wherever I can in her room ;) 

Weeks: 34 Weeks 3 days

Baby: As big as a pineapple! 19-22 inches long & 4.9 pounds.

Total weight gain: Over 30. How much over? Idk. I go back to the dr. next week lol
Maternity clothes? Yep & dresses!

Stretch marks? Still nothing! I lotion about every other day cause I'm forgetful lol

Sleep: It's been pretty terrible. Depending on the day my reflux turns into actual legit throwing up at night. So that is pretty fun. I have stopped myself from eating after 7 and sleep in an almost completely up right position so that helps, but neither makes for just great sleep either. Def ready for that to go away. I'm aware I'll still get little sleep once she's here but I'd rather snuggle my sweetie than hug the toilet any day!

Favorite moment of the week: Having Monday off & getting to spend it with my sister! She made so many cute things for Piper and I'm so so lucky to have such an awesome big sister :)

Miss anything? As pre-mentioned, I'm going with sleep lol
Movement: Yep! Loves to move all around.

Cravings? I did have french onion dip again for the first time in a while! Idk why I stopped it's so amazing!

Anything make you queasy or sick? Just reflux.

Gender prediction: Girl :)

Labor signs: Still just Braxton-Hicks contractions. 

Symptoms: Just what I've already whined about lol

Belly button in or out? Outish.

Wedding rings on or off? Off. They bit the bullet this weekend :( didn't seem worth the risk of maybe having to have them cut off because I was stubborn and wanted to wear them. Currently I have switched my only ring that still fits (an infinity ring Sean got me when we were dating) to my left hand. We'll see if it makes it the rest of the way!

Mood: There were some snippy moments this past week I won't lie.

Looking forward to: Like always, the weekend lol. Our church baby shower is Sunday & I'm so so excited for it! Also, my work shower is next week so I'm excited for that one too! After that P is welcome to come whenever ;)

Freak-out moment of the week: No major freak outs this week! I avoided all sad animal stories on Facebook lol

Thankful for: Such a long pregnancy. I've heard/known of so many people who've had their squishies before 34 weeks and I'm just so grateful that P is still soundly in my belly. I'm not opposed to her being a little early lol but would like her to make it to at least 36 weeks if possible ;)

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