glasses glare....
Weeks: 39 Weeks people!! One week (maybe) to go!
Baby: As big as a watermelon... what!? This must be a tiny watermelon! 19-22 inches long & 7 pounds. Idk how legitimate these numbers are anymore, time will tell!
Total weight gain: Last
week I was at 45 total. So between that & 50 I'm sure and I ate a massive amount of potato soup this weekend, so my bet is on 50 lol
Maternity clothes? Si.
Stretch marks? Still nothing! Feel like I'm gonna jinx it and have a ton pop up this week lol
Sleep: I wake up literally every hour after I fall asleep and go potty. Every single night. So that typically has me up about 7-8 times a night LOL so that's fun.
Favorite moment of the week: I did a lot of shopping for Miss Piper last week! Rhea Lana's was good to us and I can't wait to have my squishy home and in her cute little sleepers.
Movement: Yep. A little slower these days because she has literally no room.
Cravings? Still just the usual. Although I would still love love love some chicken rings if anyone knows where to find any!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender prediction: Girl :) there's been some jokes lately about what if you have her and turns out she's a boy. My answer is always that I will just cry and cry and cry haha no offense to any possible future Bennett boys, but currently you're not welcome! I'm ready to welcome a sweet Bennett girl!
Labor signs: Dilated to a 2 & 70% effaced. Friday & Saturday night I had some contraction like pains for about an hour each but then they would go away of course so we'll see.
Symptoms: Same old same old.
Belly button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off. I'm so ready to wear them again!
Mood: Pretty good!
Looking forward to: Seeing what this week brings for us! Hopefully our sweet girl :)
Freak-out moment of the week: Hmm. I think I was good this week.
Thankful for: Modern medicine. I commend all those who go about labor naturally, but that is not my birth plan at all! I'm slightly terrified something will go wrong and I'll have to go the natural way, but I'm trying to remain positive and tell myself I can hold out till I can and will get an epidural LOL
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