weight: We go to the Dr. next week, but I'm thinking little miss is between 13-14 pounds EDIT: Went to the Dr this morning and we are a chunky 14.1 pounds!
length: Idk, we'll see haha EDIT: Went to the Dr this morning and we are 24 and a half inches long!
diaper size: Still size 1
clothing size: We have phased into some 3-6 month and phased out of some 0-3. But she can still do some 0-3 and not do some 3-6. Baby clothes are hard lol
nicknames: P, Pipes, sweet girl, Princess Piper
health: Doing good. We stayed away from major sickies this month. We should be starting PT this week or next but we've been working on stretches at home for the past month and can already see improvement :)
sleep: Pipes has been making a new sleep schedule just about every week. She likes to keep me on my toes! We had one week where she slept through the night, then she decided she was over it. For the past few days shes been sleeping from about 8-4:00ish. Which is good, but it's not my favorite. I'd rather get up at like 2 and still have a few hours to sleep after lol
diet: Still soy formula. We tried cereal about a week ago and she didn't care that much about it. Maybe we'll try again in a week or so.
baby gear love: Still
love our baby breeza and probably always will. Also, super LOVE her fisher price seat. This kid loves this thing and I love that she can chill in it comfortably and NOT be on the back of her head. Such a win win! AND we have discovered a paci she likes! So this has been nice. It's especially helpful when it's time to do her neck stretches.
baby gear hate: She didn't care for her bumbo, she much prefers her fisher price seat. But maybe she'll like the bumbo when she's a little bigger.
likes: Piper loves bath time with daddy and talking to anyone and anything! She also loves her hands. Those things are constantly going into our mouth and spreading drool everywhere! We also just introduced her to an oball rattle & she thinks it's pretty neat too. & did I mention TV? Cause this kid is alllll about some tv.
dislikes: P is such a happy baby it's hard to come up with dislikes! Which I am not complaining about!! The carseat can still make her mad if she's already in a finicky mood. That's really about it.
milestones: Piper is trying to work on rolling from back to belly but she usually gets lazy and only does half her body before she's over it!
things we have done in the last month: This was a pretty chill month. Not a whole lot going on. Piper gets to celebrate her first Valentine's day tomorrow and of course we've already broke out our festive clothes yesterday for church. This weekend she gets to meet her new Aunt for the first time! Sweet Cassidy is 2 and a half months younger than P :)
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