Monday, September 18, 2017

Piper- ELEVEN Months

weight: I keep meaning to check but then I forget lol

length: Longgg. We wore a dress to church yesterday that let everyone see our bloomers the whole time lol #momfail

diaper size: Size 5

clothing size: 9 month & some 12 month

nicknames: P, Pipes, Piper Roo, etc etc 

health: Still doing PT.

sleep: Good! Been sleeping through the night for about the past month. Occasionally will wake up but puts herself back to sleep with a bottle. Still wakes up so happy in the morning. The first thing she does when she sits up is claps :)

diet: loves her some food! We think she might have a slight milk allergy though because yogurt tore her up last week! She can have some dairy though so maybe it'll be something she'll outgrow. 

likes: Feeding the dogs (her food lol), snacks, tv!

dislikes: I wouldn't say theres any new dislikes. P is very willful so basically just if she feels like she should be getting to do something and shes not she will get mad about it haha

milestones: 1st tooth came through! Also, finally saying Mama! Cruises along furniture and is a pro at her walking toy/speedy little crawler.

things we have done in the last month: Celebrated Evan's 5th birthday! Made a playroom at the house for P, went to her first football game, took 1 year photos, found out we will be getting a new BFF named DEAN in January :) & survived her first rhea lana's shopping experience ;)

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