Wednesday, June 1, 2016

20 Weeks

Weeks: 20 Weeks people! We are officially half way into this!

Baby: As big as a mango! She is now roughly 6.5 inches long and 13 ounces. Her heart rate this morning was 154.

Total weight gain: Hard to tell without Dr. appointments. Maybe add on another pound? I'd say I'm still somewhere around 10 pounds altogether.

Maternity clothes? I went shopping with my sister on Monday and while everything is still my normal size all of the shirts I got have ruching (gathering?) at the sides meaning they will grow with me as Piper grows which is very needed! So happy I was able to get some things. After trying on almost my whole closet to go out with Sean on Saturday it's nice to know I have some options now.

Stretch marks? Negative.

Sleep: It's been mostly good lately. I still just wake up occasionally but can usually fall back asleep.

Favorite moment of the week: On Saturday Sean and I had a "day date." Typically we are both fine never leaving the house on the weekends (or any day really haha) so it was nice that we actually got out and went to lunch, shopped a little, and went to the movies. When we got home from that we also cleaned out the two closets I've been putting off for forever. Here's a clue to how bad one was, the closet in Piper's room is a walk in, there was no walking going on in there!

Miss anything? Not really. Cokes were the only thing I really wasn't letting myself have and I've been more lenient with myself and have been having about one a week lately.

Movement: Yep! Sean hasn't got to feel her just yet, but I feel her all the time. Esp between like 7-10 at night. Idk if she is just more active then or if that's when I'm more still and notice. I notice her all throughout the day but just especially during those times.

Cravings? Sweet stuff has been my friend this week. Candy, ice cream, Reese's puffs... you know, all the good healthy stuff I should be eating ;)

Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender prediction: Girl :)

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Heartburn! Oh my lanta! I've never had this stuff before and its been an everyday occurrence for about the last week or so.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: LOL. I'll admit to some irritability this past week. It just doesn't seem to take much to annoy me lately, but idk how much of that is actually pregnancy and actually me haha

Looking forward to: The weekend! Always, haha. We were supposed to go to Arkadelphia and stay with Sean's mom but that had to be postponed because Sean has to work Saturday now so I'm just looking forward to a lazy day to myself on Saturday lol

Freak-out moment of the week: None that I remember lol

Thankful for: My sister being close by! Really enjoyed being able to spend Memorial Day with her and her kids. Even though I def wish we lived in the same town, I'm grateful we're really not too far apart.

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