Wednesday, June 22, 2016

23 Weeks

I'm not sure what kept me from updating on Monday. Time just got away from me I reckon. 

Weeks: 23 Weeks 2 Days

Baby: As big as a papaya. 8 inches, 1.2 pounds. 

Total weight gain: I know 13 pounds as of last week & if how hungry I've been lately is an indicator, I'm going to guess it's just going to keep rising.
Maternity clothes? No but I really dislike pants these days, even with my belly band.

Stretch marks? Not yet lol

Sleep: Mostly good. I have a weenie dog who likes to kick me periodically through the night though. She also has no idea how to sleep in the bed vertically. So for being a "small" dog, she sure takes up a lot of my space.

Favorite moment of the week: Sean has spent today painting Piper's room! I can't wait till it's finished :)

Miss anything? Nothing I haven't mentioned before.

Movement: She is quite the wiggle worm BUT she's got jokes. If shes moving a lot and someone tries to feel she immediately stops. This irritated my mom to no end this weekend because she wanted to feel & Miss Piper refused to cooperate lol

Cravings? Ice cream has made me particularly happy this week. 

Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender prediction: Girl :)

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Heartburn city over here. It's gotten worse too, so that's fun. In addition to popping Tums like candy, I have to sleep propped up to avoid fire coming to my mouth.

Belly button in or out? In, but I'm questioning for how much longer :( I give it another week.

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: Mostly good. Touches of moodiness arise. It's more like if one thing happens to upset me its a downward spiral. After that, everything upsets me haha

Looking forward to: My twin's wedding on Saturday :)

Freak-out moment of the week: I'm going to say there haven't been any because none are popping into my head. 

Thankful for: Books! I know this has literally nothing to do with Piper haha but I just love books so I'm thankful for them & that I have free time to read when I want.

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