Tuesday, July 12, 2016

26 Weeks

If I look exceptionally tired in this picture, it's because Pokemon is consuming my life.

Weeks: 26 Weeks

Baby: As big as an eggplant!
9.2 inches long & 2 pounds!!

Total weight gain: I think I'm getting very close to the 20 pound altogether mark.
Maternity clothes? I'm beginning to wonder if my pants are gonna make it. At this point I'm like it's almost over, you can do it! But then I'm also like uhh there's still 3 months left and you can't wear your athletic shorts to work. It's bad enough you wear them literally everywhere else. I just hate hate hate normal pants right now. 

Stretch marks? Still okay on this front.

Sleep: This has not been a good sleep week. My rib pain is making it hard to sleep. I have taken to using a body pillow and I think it's helping a little. Funny story: Friday night was the first night I tried the body pillow. So I laid it out flat in like the middle of the bed, put Anna on the bed, & then also climb in. As I'm positioning myself, Anna climbs directly on the pillow so that she is nestled in her typical spot beside me but on top of a pillow now. She was extremely pleased and definitely thinks the pillow is for her.

Favorite moment of the week: Is it lame if I say playing Pokemon with Sean? Don't answer that, I'm aware of the answer. But whatever, my blog, my opinion. We've become a little addicted to the game but it's fun because it's something we both enjoy. Bonus it's exercise haha

Miss anything? I don't think so. 
Movement: She is def a wiggle worm. If I'm resting my arms or hands on my belly they move all the time. I think people will start calling me twitchy.

Cravings? Still very much into sweets. I think Piper is just going to be a sack of sugar when she is born lol

Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender prediction: Girl :)

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Heartburn has still been a pain but really this week is the rib pain. It's just a constant ache with flare up of sudden more intense pain.

Belly button in or out? I'm gonna call it flat lol

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Mood: It's been a good week. Hangry is about the only thing to get me down.

Looking forward to: A busy busy weekend! Should get to visit with my mom, Sean's mom, & hopefully my Godmother all at some point this weekend!

Freak-out moment of the week: Being mad at the Pokemon server lololol

Thankful for: New opportunities :) I decided this week (well later part of last week) to become an Usborne Books & More Consultant. I'm super excited about this because I love love love books & what better way to build Piper's library than sharing my love of books with all my friends?!

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