Monday, April 25, 2016

15 Weeks

I'm lazy & again didn't take a bump picture. This sweet picture of me with my niece and nephew this weekend will have to do :)

Weeks: 15 Weeks

Baby: Is as big as a navel orange! 4.5 inches long & 2-3 ounces.

Total weight gain: Probably about the same.

Maternity clothes? Not yet. But will probably be regretting the pants I wore today after lunch lol

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Not too bad. I wake up frequently but can usually fall right back to sleep.

Favorite moment of the week: I had a super great weekend! Saturday was spent in Hot Springs with my sister and her family and Sunday afternoon was spend in Conway with my BFF CMG. Plus we got Andy's frozen custard and I now need someone to bring it to me. Every. Single. Day.

Miss anything? Nothing I haven't already mentioned.

Movement: Not yet.

Cravings? I'm still eating like a corn dog a day haha

Anything make you queasy or sick? Getting better. Helps to start with cereal in the morning and then eat like a sausage croissant. This combo has been the key to having a happy day.
Gender prediction: I have literally no idea. LOL. One more week though!
Don't forget to get your vote in on Baby B's gender, weight, length, and time & day of birth

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: I have had the itchiest skin the past couple of days!!! So over it. I really am not a fan of lotion so its hard for me to want to put some on to ease it.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: I hate this question. I mean I'm *mostly* happy. But there are times when I get irritated super easily or sad all of the sudden.

Looking forward to: Still gender! I'm ready to really get to work on the nursery :)

Freak-out moment of the week: No major freak outs.

Thankful for: The fact that so far nothing out of the ordinary has happened in my pregnancy and everything is moving along just as it should :) 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

14 Weeks

No picture this week! I was hoping we'd get a new sonogram at our appointment today but no such luck. I'll try and take a picture for next week :) 

Weeks: 14 Weeks 2 Days

Baby: Is as big as a lemon! 3 in. 1.5 oz!

Total weight gain: I am currently the "heaviest" I've ever been haha the nurse was really excited about it and I didn't have the heart to tell her I'd just ate a big lunch

Maternity clothes? No, but I'll be honest, some of my work pants don't like me anymore! But they were kinda tight before too.

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: It varies but the other night I slept the ENTIRE night, that was a real treat lol

Favorite moment of the week: No favorite moments yet haha is that bad? But I am going to my sister's on Saturday and we're going to Magic Springs so I am looking forward to that!

Miss anything? Not going to the bathroom every hour! LOL In our new building at work we don't have a bathroom within our own office anymore. It's like a million miles down the hall so I'm definitely getting some walking in every day.

Movement: Nope.

Cravings? I don't like to say cravings haha BUT corndogs have been my favorite all weekend and this week. I eat at least one a day.

Anything make you queasy or sick? This is starting to improve. I feel like I'm feeling better now more than not, so that makes me (& I'm sure definitely Sean) happy!
Gender prediction: I have decided I think boy. I could be wrong and that would be cool but it's my guess! 2 weeks till we find out! 

ALSO for those who want to play along, I have created a game where you can vote on Baby B's gender, birthday, weight, and height! I think it will be fun to see everyone's guesses and have it recorded. :) here is the link:

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Headaches have been the worst for me lately.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: Y'all, sad videos on facebook alone can make me tear up. I'm gonna need for these hormones to get it together lol

Looking forward to: 100% knowing the gender! I am ready to get to buying all the cutesy stuff I can get my hands on!

Freak-out moment of the week: No major freak outs.

Thankful for: Such great friends & family! I've probably said it already and I'm sure I'll say it again but we have such a great support system! Everyone is so excited for us and always checking in with us. Makes me happy to know Baby B is already so loved :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

13 Weeks

We are officially into the second trimester! Woot woot! My mom took this first "bump" picture of me yesterday :) I'll be honest, that bump is probably 75% food, 25% Baby B but whatever I'm counting it!

Weeks: 13 Weeks

Baby: Is as big as a peach, 3 inches long!

Total weight gain: Idk. I would guess I've stayed around the same.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Varies night by night. Doesn't help that I literally get up about 4 times to pee every night now.

Favorite moment of the week: My mom came and spent the whole weekend with us!! It was great, I loveeee when she comes to visit!! Can't wait for her to come even more after Baby B arrives.

Miss anything? Cokes and sleep. Lol neither are super major but I would like a little of both.

Movement: Nope.

Cravings? So no cravings really but the grocery shopping is interesting these days. I play the let me go down the aisles and just see what looks good game. Yesterday's unplanned items that came home with me included fried pickles, cheddar sour cream chips, and corn dogs. So there's that lol

Anything make you queasy or sick? Still just trying to eat regularly. It also helps if I don't get too busy. Super thankful I work behind a desk. I can't imagine if I still worked at a restaurant. Props to everyone who has ever been a server and pregnant, I don't think I could.
Gender prediction: I waiver on this daily. Basically I have no idea and am so ready to find out!

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: I don't want to say the morning sickness is getting better because I don't want to jinx it haha but it's definitely improving some.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: Still kinda moody. My feelings get hurt really easily right now which makes me mad at myself but doesn't keep it from happening. Poor Sean right now y'all. I am seriously not that much fun to be around.

Looking forward to: I'm hopeful now that I've entered my second trimester that the morning sickness will go away and I will start to love food again. Fingers crossed!

Freak-out moment of the week: No major freak outs.

Thankful for: Sean! Can't say it enough. I am seriously not fun right now. I don't feel good the majority of the time & usually my "feel better" parts of the day occur at work and then by the time I come home its back to sickness. So basically thank goodness I have such a wonderful, loving husband who puts up with me when I'm not that much fun to be around 24/7.

Monday, April 4, 2016

12 Weeks

So I started out doing these posts on Friday's because that's when my week "switched over". Now they switch over on Monday's. Which I know is not a big deal and it doesn't matter if I do these posts on Friday's or Monday's but everything is a big deal to me right now so yeah. So today I chose today & I guess I'll answer with last weeks feelings? See? So confusing. Let me give it a try.

Weeks: 12 Weeks

Baby: Is as big as a large plum, 2.5 om & .5 oz.

Total weight gain: I don't think I've gained any. I don't weigh myself at home really and my next dr's appointment is still like 3 weeks away.

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Eh. It's not like it used to be, but it could be worse.

Favorite moment of the week: On Saturday we (i.e. Sean although I helped a teeny, tiny bit) put the crib together! It might seem early to some but we picked out what we wanted early on & my mom wanted to get it for us because she is the best. Besides, I like to be ahead of schedule.

Miss anything? Cokes. I know I could have one. But I'm trying to be good. But I do miss them.

Movement: Nope.

Cravings? No cravings really. But I am slowly coming back around to food so that's a plus.

Anything make you queasy or sick? I have to make sure to eat pretty regularly (like every hour basically) & especially to make sure there's protein in what I'm eating or I get sick easily. I also can't get too hot which has made cooking difficult cause I can't really stand in front of the stove.
Gender prediction: Last night I dreamed we found out it was a boy at our next appointment lol but I'm not claiming to have psychic dreams. In fact, I've read if you dream it's a boy then it'll be a girl. But that's an old wives tale and I can't put a lot of stock in it.

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Still some yucky "morning" sickness but I feel like it's getting better.

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Mood: This week was a blah week. I had a stomach virus. And then one night Sean & I watched a super sad episode of How I Met Your Mother which in turn made me cry for like 20 minutes. So yeah, there's that. Hopefully this week will be better.

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender still! I know this was last week's too but I'm very excited about it y'all. We made our appointment for May 4th so I need this next month to FLY by.

Freak-out moment of the week: I can't think of a freak out. But the tv induced cry session could probably fit here.

Thankful for: I keep telling myself to be thankful for even my sick days because I think I would definitely be freaking out more if nothing felt different. I'm growing a person in me, it's kind of a big deal! I'm going to have yucky feeling days but at least I know that each yucky day is one day closer to meeting our sweet baby :)