Monday, June 27, 2016

24 Weeks

Weeks: 24 Weeks

Baby: As big as an ear of corn! Idk why that seems so big to me haha. 8.5 inches, 1.5 pounds. 

Total weight gain: About the same as it has been. My next appointment isn't for another 3 weeks so who knows how much it'll be by then. 
Maternity clothes? Let's just say pajamas are my favorite thing right now. I think there comes a point where having to leave the house should become completely optional haha

Stretch marks? Not yet but I'm sure they'll show eventually

Sleep: Hasn't been the best lately. I just wake up a ton.

Favorite moment of the week: Piper's room is painted! If you'd like a sneak peak here are some pics of her bookshelves that I haven't put on the wall yet because I have to let it "dry properly first" cue my eye roll here as one of the most impatient people ever.

P is already rolling in the books, but nothing wrong with that! No such thing as too many books!!

Miss anything? Cookie dough... I bought some this weekend to make for work this week and I'm going to be very sad when I can't eat some as I go.

Movement: Always on the go now. It's gotten to where not only do I feel her kicks now but I can feel when shes completely rearranging herself too.

Cravings? I've had quite the sweet tooth lately. Ice cream & candy are both winners in my book.

Anything make you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender prediction: Girl :)

Labor signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Mostly still just heartburn. Nothing else has been too bad lately.

Belly button in or out? Still in for now, surprisingly.

Wedding rings on or off? On but I tend to take them off when I sleep now, which isn't something I've ever done before.

Mood: I'll go ahead and put moody for this week haha I think Sean would agree.

Looking forward to: This weekend! Mini vaca here we come! We are going to Branson this weekend with my Dad & his wife and my sister & her fam. I'm super looking forward to it.

Freak-out moment of the week: I don't think I have freakouts per say, but I guess all the moodiness could go under here too lol

Thankful for: Air conditioning! Our power went out last night a little before 2 and was out for about 5 hours. Since it was during the night it didn't get too hot in our house but it did make it that much harder for me to sleep without it. 

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