Sunday, January 25, 2015

Detour from the Usual: V-Day Edition

So I have this problem. Every single holiday I tell my husband not to get me a gift. Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc. And I always say this so I don't come off as materialistic or demanding. When really, I am both. I want the gift. So then when the day comes around & I am gift less, I am pissed. And sad. And don't understand why he would do such a thing. It doesn't help that I (and probably every other girl in the world) compare my life to romantic comedies/ the books I read. Writers get it. They make these men just wonderfully fantastic leaving the real men poor schmucks in life. 

We have worked through this "issue" & I now just say, "Hey! Get me something!" & all is right with the world. But for those who have this issue or for guys who have no idea what to get their ladies, here is my list of gifts that I think would be nice to get on a holiday, or any day really. Because sometimes you just want a present to feel nice. 

1. Flowers- I get it, not every girl likes flowers. They're wasteful. They don't have a purpose. And depending on the flower (or holiday) can be pretty expensive. BUT. They're pretty! Especially getting just because flowers can turn a crappy day into a wonderful day. 

2. Jewelry- cliche, I know. But I am also not talking super expensive jewelry. Just a small token to show you care, plus it's something she can wear daily & see it and be reminded of it. Sometimes we need to be reminded that our significant others are not terrible all the time. Only some of the time. 

3. A small personalized item- If your girl likes to read, get her a book. If she likes fashion & makeup, surprise her with the latest Vogue & a sephora gift card.  Show her that you pay attention to what she likes. 

I realize this entire article seems superficial, materialistic, vain, etc. & if you think that I'm really not sure why you're still reading. But I'm telling you I don't want it to come off that way. Showing the person you love how much you care with gifts does not have to be a bad thing. Now if that's the only way you show them, well that's none of my business. But I think a small gift every now and then or on a holiday is a nice token of affection!

And I agree 100% that ladies should buy gifts for their men. I LOVE buying for my husband. He is one of my best friends and I love knowing that he is going to enjoy whatever I get him. 

So as we approach on Valentine's Day let us remember, it's not the amount you spend on the gift but the amount of thought that goes into the gift that counts. Tis the (Valentine) season, & all that jazz. 

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